The blended learning institutions’cooperative is an educational cooperative with a European scope which has its headquarters in Göttingen, Germany.
The main activity areas are in competence oriented learning and competence validation in innovative fields of Adult Education. The organisation focuses on providing innovative blended learning
approaches, courses and also informal learning opportunities for learners who learn outside formal education, such as learners on the job, in volunteering, traineeships, in leisure time, sports and in youthclubs, in mobility (e.g. ERASMUS mobility) and in innovative CPD formats.
blinc focuses on mixed learning modalities and approaches combining face-to-face, project (practical) learning and e-learning.
A special focus is on the acquisition and validation of social, personal and organisational competences in different learning contexts for specific target groups, such as NEETs, youth and target groups without an explicit connection to a formal/non-formal learning course, but also learners in Lfelong learning who acquire competences that are hardly ever validated such as people in cultural heritage projects or in cultural integraton courses for refugees or migrants